AmigaActive (1143/2143)

From:Michael Carter
Date:15 May 2000 at 10:26:56
Subject:RE: DVD on the Amiga - sort of :)

>-----Original Message-----
>From: Nick Lamburn []
>Well, since getting my PPC card; I have been absolutely gob
>smacked at the
>stuff it can do. However, realistically speaking - playing a
>MPEG-II movie
>with a suitable UDF file system on my Pixel 64 is not
>realistic :)). Unless
>I get a BVision, which is what I intend to do, but not quite yet....

Having used no other cards than the BVision I can't say it is that amazingly
much faster. But then I think the layers.library needs re-coding to
increase Workbench speed. If that was done in OS3.6 or whatever I'd upgrade
then :o)

Anyway for playing movies I've yet to see it running amazingly well with the
current players and mpeg-1 streams. Maybe I've just not got something set
right?! :-/ If you've not got your BVision by the summer your welcome to
come see my set-up with 250mhz PPC when I drag it home for the summer.

>One: If for example I had a BVision and, a suitable UDF fs,
>like Allegro
>CDFS, a DVD drive, would my PPC 160/175 (it was sold as 160MHz
>but PowerUp
>and WarpUp say it's 175MHz, which I believe it is since it has
>a 50MHz bus
>and 3.5x clock multiplier) be able to play back DVDs at full
>MPEG-II res at
>an acceptable rate? I'm inclined to say, unfortunately, no,
>but am i wrong?

Hmmm, doubt full! Although the new AsynioPPC version of the library may
help a lot. I've got some DVD player source code here if you're willing to
give it a go at porting it. Its from a Linux player, so all in 'C'.

- M!ke C

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